Our first-time diver programs typically consist of six, first-time divers, our Director of Development, a medical doctor, an athletic coach, one or two Stay-Focused mentors, a Caymanian intern, the founder of the organization, and several diving instructors.

A typical first-time diver program schedule looks like this:

First-time Diver Program Schedule

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
Arrival in Grand Cayman Responsibility Code

Academic Review

Responsibility Code

Confined-water skills

Dives 1/ 2
Sunset House
Dives 3 & 4 Dives 5 & 6 Departure
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Confined-water skills Confined-water skills

Legacy Log set-up

Cayman Turtle Centre visit Beach activities
Finalize Legacy Logs
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
Legacy Log Presentations

First-time divers complete their academic preparation using PADI’s eLearning program before arriving in Cayman. In the morning of their first full day in Cayman, instructors conduct an academic review session, to make sure all participants are comfortable with their knowledge of the information. The next step is confined-water (pool) skills, to introduce participants to their diving equipment, and to begin the process of learning to dive.

Diving in the sea takes place over several days, typically in the mornings, along with educational workshops and activities. Participants create a Responsibility Code at the beginning of the program, which is a Code of Conduct they all agree to adhere to throughout the week. By Day 3, they have also been introduced to the concept of a Legacy Log, a visual depiction of what their Stay-Focused experience has meant to them. Divers present their Legacy Logs to all members of the group on the last evening of the program.

“Thank you for this wonderful experience! It was so much fun! I struggled in the beginning, but everything worked out in the end.”

– Samantha McMinn, Stay-Focused diver 2018